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Egret, by Gary Johns
Northern Shoveler Hen (duck), by Laura Leibert
Flying Blue Heron by Dick Hamilton
Three Amigos by Dick Hamilton
Yellow Legs by Dick Hamilton
Spoonbill Spread Wing by Dick Hamilton
Blue Koi by Betsy Drake Hamilton
No Time Like the Present by Carol Winner
Brilliance by Sherry Ferber
Baby's First Dive by Noelle Almond
Sparkle in the Sun (dragonflies) by Marcia DeFalco
Wading Pipers III 2/3 by Marcia DeFalco
Dinner Served by Marcia DeFalco
Carpe Diem, by Laura Leibert
Oyster Bar, by Laura Leibert
Merry Rower, by Laura Leibert
Sunset Finale. by Gary Rubin
Bringin Dinner Home, by Gary Rubin
Food for Puffins by Deb Ahern
Pauli Peli: Sharks Tooth Searcher by Deb Ahern