Ryan Poole

Ryan and his wife, Sheila moved to Fernandina Beach from New York in 2023. After raising two daughters and enjoying numerous visits throughout the years, they decided this was the area where they wanted to settle and enjoy ocean living on a permanent basis.
Ryan has enjoyed art since childhood but between the priorities of a busy career and family, time to devote in creating art was limited. After his wife purchased an easel as a Christmas gift in 2018, Ryan was inspired to devote more time to his passion. Art has always been an important part of his life and although his main focus is acrylic paints, he has also worked with charcoal, pastels and pencils. Ryan’s inspiration for his work comes from having traveled through many coastal towns and villages on the eastern seaboard.
A quote from Louis Nizer has inspired him for years: “A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”