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Calm Seas, by Leslie Collins
A Perfect Day, by Leslie Collins
Night On North Beach, by Leslie Collins
Girl at Beach by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Santa's List by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Bee by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Gentle Shadows, by Luisa Carver
Shining Through, by Luisa Carver
King of the Blues by Susan Hitchcock
Love Is a Rose II by Susan Hitchcock
Ring Leaders by Susan Hitchcock
Dry Hydrangeas by Depy Adams
Basking In The Afternoon Sun, by Leslie Collins
Napa Sunshine, by Kathy Findley
Many Oysters by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Clams by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Sunset by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Rooster by Betsy Drake Hamilton
Carolina wren by Deb Kline Ahern
Hooked on Fish IV by Susan Hitchcock