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Karen Bowden

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My passion for photography was born on a high school trip to France. I learned I could freeze any moment in time with the click of my shutter and at any time relive that exact moment.   As an adult, I’ve had the privilege to travel the globe for both work and pleasure and have used my camera to capture memories I return to over and over in my mind and heart.  For most of my life, photography was a hobby.  My photos were personal, stored in boxes of prints and digital files.  


In 2017, I moved to Amelia Island transitioning into retirement.  The natural beauty of Amelia Island inspired me in new ways and challenged me to slow down and notice the simple beauty around me, thus becoming the focus of my more recent photos.  I became an exhibiting member of the Plantation Artist Guild and Gallery in November 2019.




Works by Karen currently available:

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